[ORRando] Fwd: 999 Miles of Rome and the South Italy

Susan France susan.m.france at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 06:35:08 PDT 2016


-------- Original Message --------
 Subject: 999 Miles of Rome and the South Italy
 From: "A.R.I. Audax Randonneur Italia" <informazioni at audaxitalia.it>
 Sent: 06:20, Friday, October 28, 2016
 To: susan.m.france at gmail.com
 CC: 999 Miles of Rome and the South Italy a { color:#687a9e; } p { margin:0px; } 


Sorry, we send this communication again. The previous mail address contains an incorrect link to the pre-registrations


Dear Organizer,
I am pleased to inform you that, on the initiative of one of our companies, next June 24th 2017 will take place a 1600 km "randonnée"(hikes) in Italy, the "999 Miles of Rome and the South" with BRM approval.

The hikes will start from the center of Rome, will reach Matera then return to Rome through the National Park of Abruzzo. Any news about it can be found on the site www.audaxitalia.it.

We count on your cooperation for giving evidence to this event and we are ready to return the courtesy for any of your projects. 
Thank you, good work and best regards 


Luca Bonechi 

(President Audax Randonneur Italy)

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